European Network- Chur​ch​ on the Move

AEC Report on the phenomenon of Poverty in Europe & in France

Jean-Pierre ESTIVAL, non-executive CEO of the INGO AEC (European Association of Railwaymen) sent the original of this interesting report in French to the transversal working group on Poverty on 30th October 2018. See our website for original French version.  A Spanish translation is underway.

Kindly click on Report on the Phenomenon of Poverty

Online activity on Loomio February-April 2018

I have now received the full correct version in .pdf so please click on Education & Culture Committee


Draft Recommendation WG Business Human Rights Co-development Migrations

Note:  This text must be modified to include hyperlinks

Draft Recommendation to be adopted by the Human Rights Committee on 26 January 2017 and by the Conference of INGOs on 27 January 2017

Business, Human Rights, Co-development and Migrations

The Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs) of the Council of Europe:

Recognising that

A large number of companies, with headquarters in Europe, invest in Africa, Asia or Latin America in the development of infrastructures and in the exploitaton of natural or human resources of these continents (oil and gas, mines, forestry, agricultural land...), thus creating in the countries in which they invest and for their populations a significant development potential;

But concerned by

- the situation created by the infringement of Human Rights by these companies in their operations that prevent the development of the countries concerned, and even deteriorate their standards of living, possibly leading to a rural depopulation with its resulting consequences;

the situation of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe that can also suffer from an exploitation of their natural resources when they do not take into account their projects for economic, social and environmental development.

Considering that :

the ensuing economic situation in these countries makes it impossible for many families to live there in keeping with the criteria for dignity set out in international treaties and especially in the European Convention of Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the European Social Charter. It is due to this shortcoming that these people constitute a large proportion of immigration into Europe due to their hopes of finding sufficient resources for a greater better well-being, in spite of the high degree of unemployment existing in our continent;

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Surrogacy Recommendation - Anna Rurka's message

Subject: Surrogacy Recommendation – Conference of INGOs

This message should be read in connection with Fernand Jehl's summary under the title "Maternal Surrogacy:  Comments by 7 ENRE Network member groups published on our website on 18/10/16 together with the original text of the Conference of INGOs installed underneath Fernand's summary on 5/11/16

Message on behalf of Anna Rurka, President of the Conference of INGOs, 13/10/16

Dear members of the Conference of INGOs,
Following the consultation on gestational surrogacy that was initiated after the plenary meeting of the Conference of INGOs of 24 June 2016, during its meeting held on 10 October 2016, the Standing Committee informs the Conference of INGOs  that:
<![if !supportLists]>-          <![endif]>The consultation took place according to the procedure agreed upon and approved beforehand at the plenary meeting of the Conference of INGOs on 24 June 2016;
<![if !supportLists]>-          <![endif]>The debate within the Conference following this consultation was a lively one and, with due regard for democratic rules, ended inconclusively;
<![if !supportLists]>-          <![endif]>On this basis, the Standing Committee suggests that the plenary meeting of the Conference of INGOs acknowledges the fact that this societal issue cannot at present give rise to a declaration / resolution or recommendation of the Conference of INGOs and that it should not preclude putting this issue once again on the agenda for future work, if appropriate.
Thank you for your contributions!
Anna Rurka

President of the Conference of INGOs

Maternal Surrogacy Comments by 7 associations of ENRE Network

European Network - Church on the Move (E N R E )

Secretary General: François Becker

Representative to the NGO Conference of the Council of Europe :  Fernand Jehl

E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Report of survey responses by 7 member associations of the ENRE Network

On the draft recommendation regarding surrogacy


François Becker requested that the opinion to be sent to the drafters of the recommendation on surrogacy represent the diversity of positions of member associations and that this diversity appear, in one way or another, in the final text of the recommendation.

  1. For most organisations, the text of the recommendation appears to be well balanced. Indeed, several of them oppose surrogacy. However, there are nuances regarding possible exceptions. One association is in favor of making exceptions under exceptional circumstances. Others are wary of such loopholes. There are clearly frequent misconceptions on the topic.
  2. A second group of associations begins with the observation that there is no unanimity on the issue and that the subject has not really been discussed. These associations advocate a wide consultation and evaluation of concrete situations. Some points are subject to a strong consensus:
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Minutes WG HR Codev Migrations 21stJune2016

WG HR Codevelopment & Migrations, Meeting of 21st June 2016 (10hAM to 12PM)

Room 2 CoE Palace Building

Draft programme for meeting of 21/6/2016 and approval of minute of the meeting of 19th April 2016.

Hugo's remark that he had requested an official translation of the Council of Ministers Recommendation from his Spanish Government and was informed : « No funds for multilateral questions ! »

Minutes approved.

A brief description of the activities since the last meeting

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