Date: 2016-04-10

Written by Matthias Jakubec

Activities of the Movement "We are Church" (WaC)

  • March 13-15, 2015: WaC Austria hosts the Council of IMWAC (International Movement “We Are Church”) and a preparation meeting for Council 50 in Vienna.
  • April 13-17, 2015: Martha Heizer from WaC and Helmut Schüller participate in the 2nd international meeting of initiatives of catholic pastors in Limerick, Ireland.
  • April 18, 2015: Annual conference of WaC in Salzburg.
  • June 17, 2015: WaC demonstrates on the occasion of the ending mass of the Austrian bishops conference in Mariazell and asks the bishops they should dare to follow the pope.
  • September 25-26, 2015: 20th anniversary of WaC, “Feier mit Feuer” (Celebration with Fire) in Salzburg.