The European Network Church on the Move / Réseau Européen Eglises et Libertés EN-RE is holding its annual conference for 2024 in the Centre St Thomas in Strasbourg from 10-12 May.

Delegates from 7 Council of Europe member States have confirmed their presence.

The Agenda and the Financial information has been sent to the delegates by email.

1. Country Reports:

Austria (Observer Status) (en) KIRCHENREFORM OSTERREICH

Belgium: (fr-en) Réseau PAVÉS 2023-2024

France: (fr)  FHEDLES-PARVIS 2024

France:  Comité de la Jupe: (fr) Bilan 2023 pôle actions militantesRapport moral jupe AG_2023

Germany: Wir sind Kirche (pending)

Italy: Noi Siamo Chiesa (pending)

Netherlands: Marienburg Vereniging  (pending)

Portugal: Nós Somos Igreja (pending)

Spain: (en-fr-es) Redes Cristianas 2024

2.  Reports by EN-RE delegates in CINGO:

Fernand Jehl: Excellent participation in the Committee The Rights of Persons who are migrants. See Sylvie Kempgens's French language Groupe d'appui's activities

Henk Baars:  Reports on the CINGO Autumn 2023 and Spring 2024 sessions in 8 languages: English, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish on our extended Home Page and classified under different Council of Europe 3 language headings

Hugo Castelli:  Participation in Committees: Interreligious and Interconvictional Dialogue and NGOs as Advocates for Gender Equality and Women's Rights. Translation into Spanish of the "Rapport provisoire" of February 2014 of the Human Rights Committee working group "Human Rights and Religions": INFORME PROVISIONAL


4. New Officials & information on CINGO website to be updated / Number of members?

5. Further comments