Global Council Network

2º Foro Global del Pueblo de Dios

Aparecida 2018

Towards a Church- Inspired by the Gospel-for the world
Por uma Igreja inspirada no Evangelho - para o mundo
Rumbo a una Iglesia inspirada en el Evangelio-para el mundo
Vers une Eglise-inspirée par l’Evangile-pour le monde
Verso una Chiesa ispirata dal Vangelo per il mondo

Queridos todos,
Como se anunció en la Carta informativa nº 1, el primer encuentro del equipo internacional para la implementación del plan de seguimiento, decidido en la reunión del Council 50 en Roma, se ha reunido también en Roma durante los días 6 y 7 de noviembre de 2016.
I) Decisiones clave tomadas por el equipo organizador internacional

1) Debido a su edad, Francois Becker renunció a su papel de coordinador. Siguiendo su recomendación, se designó a Jean Pierre Schmitz como coordinador de la Red Foro Global. Coordinará la preparación de la serie de Foros Globales del Pueblo de Dios. La dirección de Jean-Pierre Schmitz es This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2) Nombre de los distintos encuentros que se van a organizar, siguiendo lo recomendado en la reunión Council 50 de noviembre de 2015 en Roma (ver carta informativa nº 1).
Para evitar cualquier conflicto inútil e improductivo o para evitar cualquier mal entendido sobre su naturaleza y objetivos, los encuentros globales ya no se llamarán sínodos, sino “Foros del Pueblo de Dios”. Por tanto:

Global Council Network

2nd Global Forum of the People of God

Aparecida 2018

Towards a Church- Inspired by the Gospel-for the world
Por uma Igreja inspirada no Evangelho - para o mundo
Rumbo a una Iglesia inspirada en el Evangelio-para el mundo
Vers une Eglise-inspirée par l’Evangile-pour le monde
Verso una Chiesa ispirata dal Vangelo per il mondo



Letter of information n°2 November 2016

Dear All,

As announced in letter info n°1 , the first meeting of the international team in charge of the implementation of the follow-up plane decided during the Council 50 gathering in Rome, took place in Rome on 6-7 November 2016.

I ) Key decisions made by the international organizing team:

1) Due to his age, François Becker resigned from his duty of coordinator Following his recommendation, Jean Pierre Schmitz was appointed coordinator of the Global Council Network. He will coordinate the preparation of the series of Global Forums of the People of God. Jean-Pierre Schmitz (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

2) Name of the series of gatherings to be organized, as recommended during the Council 50 gathering of delegates held in November 2015 in Rome ( see letter info n°1 ).

In order to avoid any useless and unproductive conflicts or to avoid any misunderstandings on their nature and aim, the global gatherings will no longer be named synods of the People of God, but “Forums of the People of God”. Hence,

3) The first three Global Forums of the People of God

For these forums to express the “sensus fidei/fidelium” of the People of God, it is important to take into account the diversity of cultures, concerns, situations and specificities of the different parts of the world and of our Church. Hence:

- the first Global Forum of the People of God is the Council 50 gathering of delegates held on 20-22 November 2015 in Rome.

- the Second Global Forum of the People of God, is planned to be held in Aparecida (Brazil) from 15 to 18 of November 2018. Please see a first provisional presentation prepared by Edson G.P. Vila, Daniel Seidel and Lula Ramires from Brazil that was presented and discussed in Rome (See below). Contact : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Nuestra Red Europea EN-RE está afiliadas a Publiquen lo que Pagan y, por eso, deberíamos publicar información sobre esta organización. es la página web de la organización mundial de más de 800 ongs que trabajan juntas para conseguir que las multinacionales de las industrias extractivas (petróleo, gas, minería y bosques madereros) declaren los pagos que realizan a los gobiernos donde sus empresas trabajan.


The European Parliament Platform for Secularism in Politics is a cross party working group of Members of the European Parliament. The Platform addresses issues relating to the relationship between religion, philosophical convictions and politics. The EPPSP organises public meetings on a regular basis in order to discuss a wide range of policy issues, such as education, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), development aid, research and ethics, freedom of speech, LGBTI rights and women's rights. Representatives from both civil society and the EU institutions play an active role in the debates and initiatives coming out of the Platform.

Introduction to the EPPSP

Advisory Board