WAC We Are Church International is a sister organization of EN-RE and many members of EN-RE are also members of WAC.  Since the Global Council Network is a joint venture of WAC and EN-RE, I have filed this document under Global Council. 

It is important to note that this contribution has been mailed to the general secretariat of the synod in the Vatican. Here is the answer of  Sister Marie Kolbe Zamora, FSCC, S.T.D., General Secretariat Synod of Bishops :” Thank you for your email of 25 February in which you share with this office the WAC contribution to Synod 2021-2023. The generosity and attention with which you have engaged the synodal process is a joy and an encouragement. Please know that your contribution has been archived and accounted for, with gratitude”.

To read the report kindly click on 

 and then on WAC contribution to Synod of Synodality