At 18.15 a coach collected delegates and took them to the Sagrada Familia temple in the centre of Barcelona where they we taken on a guided tour of this iconic building.  There were various opinions: some liked it but other found it representative of the Church of the past.



The day drew to a close with a traditional Catalonian dinner in a restaurant near the temple.



Delegates met on Friday afternoon for the business meeting, during which there was hot and energetic discussion.   Some matter were referred to Ad Hoc groups for development while others were agreed with out any delay.

Of particular interest was the agreement that next year's Conference will be held in Munich, Germany, and consist, as is customary of a study day as well as workshops, discussions and visits to places of interest.


Christian Weisner presented this report to the conference:

2010 year of the worst crisis in church since the reformation (church officials say)

“Initiative for Dialogue” announced by the German Conference of Bishops – but not started

Increasing protests

Some other projects of We are Church Germany

Permanent offers of We are Church Germany

This morning we have participated in three workshops:

A discussion on

  • whether we can support a movement for the exclusion of religion in European politics.  Delegates recognised that the message of Jesus had influenced modern European structures, including those of Human Rights and justice.  They believed it played an integral part in European culture;
  • preparation for an international Council to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the end of the last General Council of the Church (Vatican II).  This would bring together the many lively initiatives that are underway across the Christian world to realise the mission of the Church (the People of God)
  • social justice across Europe and in Africa.

The final outcomes of these discussions will be announced in the formal reports of the meetings.