Hubert Tournet and Gerd Wild meet the Prior of the Abbey of MonserratThe European Network were privileged to be received by the Prior at the Abbey of Monserrat.   He welcomed delegates to the monastery and gave a short history of the foundation.

Francois Becker (France) thanked him for receiving the group and outlined the work it did.

The Prior is pictured with Hubert Tournés (France) and Gerd Wild (Germany) founder members of the Network in 1989.  They explained its history and breadth of its membership.

Following a tour of the monstery and museum, the delegates joined the community for Solemn Vespers in the chapel that contains the image of Our Lady of Monserrat.


Hugo Castelli gives a brief report about the workshop held on Friday.

The workshop has recognised that, unhappily, little progress has been achieved as far as «transparency» is concerned.

We discussed the need for being involved in our countries with the «Publish What You Pay» coalition members in order to develope their work.  However, some progress has been noticed as some African governments fear the impact of the constant news of the media about the poverty of their people compared with the lavish lifestyle and huge fortunes of many government politicians.

We want to stress the way the churches and especially the Catholic bishops conferences fail to criticise this terrible situation.

Delegates gather for the study dayBy tradition one day at the Conference is devoted to study.

Hugo Castelli reports

In the 2nd 2011 Forum of Església Plural «Christianity for a new worldwide  ethic», local members of Església Plural joined members of the European Network for Study Day. Joan Oñate presented the 3 speakers:

Federico Mayor Zaragoza, former Unesco President, in a short video, talked about Religion as a means of solidarity

Josep Lluís Carod Rovira, former Vice-President of the Catalan autonomous region, described how the new secularist law of his government had been successful in providing equal rights for all religious and non-religious beliefs.

Basque theologian José Arregui showed how we can change the world by solidarity and democracy.

Following his 2-part discourse, 3 discussion groups were formed and people expressed themselves freely for 10 minutes.