The ethical issue will be taken up by the European Network at its 2014 Conference on Friday 2th May at Drongen

 You are invited !


Yes, dear reader, you are invited to eight hours of reflection, encounters and exchanges, where you can also express your views on what currently is a particularly sensitive subject.

At the weekend meeting of the European delegates of Church on the Move, we have reserved Friday 2th May to work on a particular topic. The defense of rights and freedoms, whether against State authorities or against institutions such as Churches and religions, covers a wide range of issues. If we want to work efficiently and address those concerns we all share in common, we need to concentrate on one specific topic. No doubt the issues relating to education, to financing religious cults, to the different forms of secularism, merit our attention, and especially those relating to vast ethics. The Belgian chapter, who is preparing for this Friday event, therefore proposes to focus on the subject of euthanasia and abortion, two hot topics much discussed today in Spain, France, Belgium, and elsewhere.

In the morning (10 h - 12 h), Ignace Berten, a Dominican priest, and Sylvie Schoetens, a teacher who is also Chairperson of the “Amis de la Morale Laïque” in Schaerbeek, will share their views and experience with the audience. The afternoon (14 h - 16 h) will feature Benoît Van Cutsem, sociologist and ethicist, who will share his working experience in hospital setting and propose an analytical framework as well as a workshop. Conclusions around 17:30. These presentations and exchanges will be thought-stimulating for all the participants, and also clarify and enhance the commitment, the activity and the partnerships of the European Network and its representatives with the Parliamentary Platform.

But you are also invited to the entire weekend. Except for the periods reserved for the management of the network (very time-consuming: three "Business Sessions Saturday and Sunday morning), you could take part in the "workshops": Thursday evening and Friday and Saturday morning, covering the European institutions, Africa, the anniversary of Vatican II Council, the relations with other networks; and on Saturday night, you'd be conveyed to a little tourist evening in Ghent; and on Sunday, to a multilingual celebration concluding our European weekend.

You will be able to find the programme and a registration form here and from our Belgian network