Statement of the European Network Church on the Move

[Italian] [French] [Spanish]

 The European Network Church on the Move invites all European citizens, especially those who are inspired by the Gospel, to reflect on these points at the occasion of the next European elections:

A hundred years after the beginning of World War I; seventy five years after the beginning of World War II and twenty five years after the breaking down of the Berlin Wall, our Europe is facing new strong crises in a changing world.

We notice with concern that the European institutions are presently too weak before the international market and financial power.

Those inspired by the Gospel must reflect and act.

The European Network Church on the Move strives for the:

  • development of a cohesive Europe, based on democratic policies that resist the power of the Free Market Economy and do not submit to the hegemony of international finance, which was mainly responsible for the financial crisis;
  • improvement in the provision of welfare, social justice and employment in Europe,
  • enhancement of European citizenship through the improved democratic functioning of the institutions of the European Union.
  • concerted effort among European citizens to resist communitarianism, nationalism, and populism.

 The European Network Church on the Move is looking for a Europe that develops its own international policy, independent from political and military pressure of others, notably the USA, in order to:

  •  embrace peace and humanitarian actions in the world, notably in Middle East, with UN and    related organisations engaged,
  •  take direct action for nuclear disarmament and supports nonviolent action,
  •  keeps a neutral position about Ukraine, remembering the disasters in the former Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan,
  •  fight against neo-colonialism in Africa and elsewhere,
  •  support Third world growth.

In accordance with Gaudium et Spes (GS76) which states that : “the Church will even give up the exercise of certain rights which have been legitimately acquired, if it becomes clear that their use will cast doubt on the sincerity of her witness or that new ways of life demand new methods”, the European Network Church on the Move is urging our Church to fight for a Europe that creates the conditions of a harmonious and thriving community by respecting :

  • freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or not to have a religion and to change religion, freedom of expression,
  • equality of rights and non-discrimination between persons, whatever their sex or sexual orientation, whether or not they belong to a religion and whatever their philosophical beliefs,
  • mutual independence and separation of the state and religious institutions,
  • State neutrality towards religions and philosophies.

The European Network Church on the Move supports

  •  the G3I Appeal of 7 April, for an engagement in interconvictional, intercultural and international approach for social cohesion and in the implementation of  art. 17 of TFUE,
  •  any movements for the enhancement of Human Rights in Europe, including for migrants, in cooperation with the Council of Europe.

Dröngen-Belgium,  4th May 2014