This article, written by Jean-Pierre Maillard was published in the October 2019 edition of La lettre de Partenia 92 on Page 5. It contains:

- a photo of the Villa San Pablo where the May 2019 Conference of the EN-RE was held;

- a sketch of Syrian Archbishop Nicolaos Matti and another of Ricardo Gayol García, "the lawyer of the Spanish blind"

- the text of the EN-RE Press Statement on the Future of the EU which is available on our website in French, German, Spanish and English

"Recognised by the Council of Europe and the European Union* the EN-RE (European Network of Christian Associations, mainly Catholic, created thirty years ago to contribute to the search for a new Europe promoting

peace, social and economic justice, human rights, the rule of law and democracy) to which Partenia 2000 is a member, brought together twelve representatives of seven movements in Madrid from 16 to 19 May 2019 from six different countries. The participants in the annual meeting presented the report of each of the organisations on the actions undertaken, in particular alongside migrants and victims of sexual abuse in the Church, the means implemented by each association, in particular communication initiatives. The delegates also attended a meeting on Migration to Spain organized by our Madrid hosts.

Apart from statistics, political and social issues, the testimony of a Syrian archbishop and the lawyer for the Spanish Blind further highlighted the multiple aspects of Migration.

The sharing of experiences was extended by a visit to a migrant reception centre run by the Spanish Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS).

As the meeting was held at the same time as the campaign for the European elections, EN-RE wished to make its final position known after discussion by the following statement:

EN-RE Press Release on the Future of the EU

The EN-RE shares the common feeling of grassroots Catholics that another Europe is possible. The May elections to the European Parliament are a major challenge for the realisation of a fairer and more just society. in the European Union. Represented by Jean Garnier and Jean-Pierre Maillard, Partenia 2000 warmly thanks Raquel Mallavibarrena from the Spanish association Redes Cristianas who welcomed, organised and animated the three days."

* EN-RE is accredited in the EU since 2017

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