Hugo Castelli alerts us to this:

François Becker discovered this excellent document of the European Union which is available in pdf format in 25 languages and which is very easy to understand and very useful and should be made available to business organizations everywhere.

Update 12th April 2020

Towards the end of 2014, 24 of these language versions disappeared from the EU website EU website but since they will not be uploaded again they have been made available to Global CSR, the original supplier to the EU, and EN-RE.

My Business and Human Rights  can be downloaded directly from GLOBAL CSR's website in 23 European languages + Chinese and Japanese.  For greater impact, EN-RE suggests volunteers from other (i)NGOs writing an introduction in each of the 25 language versions, linking this Guide on human rights for small and medium-sized Enterprises (but also useful when talking to multinationals) with the Human Rights and Business web page  when ENRE and they upload the versions in the languages used in their Member States.