EN-RE supports the declarations of our  member groups FEDHLES - France and PAVÉS - Belgium in favour of Mme Anne Soupa in her candidature for the Archbishopric of Lyon, France.

Click on Press Statement of FHEDLES of 3rd June 2020


A woman at the head of the archdiocese of Lyon?

When an exceptional measure no longer imposes either its meaning or its relevance, but on the contrary

has come to shock more and more widely by its discriminatory nature, it is wise that the reasons for it be regularly asked; the defenders of this measure are thus invited to delve into its deepest meaning.

Bravo and thanks to Anne Soupa, candidate for the seat of Archbishop of Lyon!

She wishes "that they say what they really think"; in this she joins those American Christian women, who have not been afraid after each encyclical, instruction from Rome, letter to priests, letter to women reserving the priestly order for men, to demonstrate in Rome with on their placards "If you do not want to ordain women, do not baptize them any more" the ministerial order based on the baptismal order in Christ.

You can vote by clicking on Anne Soupa's candidature

Also click on Anne Soupa for more information in German and English