Further to the articles on our website in different languages about the Conference of French-speaking Baptised Persons (CCBF) requesting Pope Francis to approve a Council of God's People with an equal number of women and men participants, you can now sign the Petition directly on our website via the link for English (EN), Spanish (ES), Portuguese (PT), Italian (IT) and French (FR) once you have made the connection.

Aunque la petición originó en la Conferencia de bautizadxs francófonxs se busca obtener 10.000 apoyos para presentar la petición al papa.  Se ha conseguido solamente el 21% al 18 de noviembre de 2018 con la firma de casi 1.800 franceses pero solo 2 de España, 2 de Irlanda, 2 del Reino Unido, 1 de Austria.  Yo lo he firmado pero ¿por qué no tu? Todos beneficiaríamos con un concilio con igual número de mujeres que hombres.  Parece una quimera, una justa de molinos al estilo de Don Quijote pero hay que conseguir llegar a las 10.000 firmas!  Vamos, manos a la obra!

Although this campaign initiated in the French-speaking Conference of Baptised Persons, EN-RE’s member group Partenia 2000 and Jean Garnier, personally, are committed to the success of this petition but although nearly 1,800 French people have signed other nationalities are not pulling their weight in Spain (2 signatories), Ireland 2, UK 2, Austria 1. I have signed but why haven’t you? We would all benefit with a council with an equal number of women participants as men. It sounds like a pipe dream but we have to achieve these 10,000 signatures! Come on, let’s get cracking!