Juan José Tamayo, Secretary of the Asociación de Teólogas y Teólogos Juan XXIII, published this article in the EL PAÍS daily newspaper on 29th December 2019
The John XXIII Association of Female and Male Theologians is a member group of Redes Cristianas, itself a member group of EN-RE. The Association has organized the annual Madrid Theology Congress every year since 1988
"In Latin America, the United States and Europe we are witnessing the advance of extreme right wing organizations and political parties, that form a perfectly structured and globally coordinated network, organically connected with religious fundamentalist groups, especially evangelicals, to constitute what Nazaret Castro calles "the Neofascist International" and which I qualify as the "Christian Neofascist International". This occurs in the different religions and churches, including the Catholic Church, during the reforming pontificate of Pope Francis, who has his adversaries within the Roman Curia and in an important sector of the worldwide episcopate.
One of the most emblematic examples of this International in Spain is the complicity and total harmony between HazteOír (Make yourself heard), the Spanish catholic organization of ultraconservative ideology, and VOX, the Spanish political party, that the Osservatore Romano - the official organ of the Vatican - qualifies as "an extreme right wing political formation" whilst Spanish cardinal Antonio Cañizares defines it as right wing and totally constitutional. HazteOír served as a platform to promote and popularise Vox in the media in its beginnings as a political party and has awarded prizes to Santiago Abascal and other leaders of the same party. Correspondingly, Vox has incorporated members affiliated to HazteOír in Spanish Autonomous Parliaments, Municipalities and the Congress of Deputies (the Spanish Parliament).
In Colombia the Peace Agreements failed because