European Network- Chur​ch​ on the Move

Old website

Transfer of information from Old Website


Following the Rome Conference in March 2018, it was decided to close the old website and transfer the documentation onto our existing website François sent me a Zipfile of the documents on the old website on 19th June 2018 and following my meeting of 8th August 2018 with Inma Calvo, our technical website specialist, I have started to upload these documents onto our existing website in the section Old Website which you can find under Others.

Apart from this general information which will appear on the front page, all other documentation transferred from which no longer exists, will be listed under Old Website only.

In this documentation, there are:

- All EURONEWS issues in electronic format,

- All the bulletin issues in electronic format,

- All the other publications of the EN-RE: Declarations, Press Releases, Open Letters, Petitions, Reports, Contributions of the EN-RE to Conferences…

- Some information of interest to the EN-RE.


When I first attended an EN-RE Conference at Brussels in May 2003, as an observer for Iglesia de Base de Madrid, the Secretariat issued a printed 3-language bulletin in English, French and German, called Euronews, which was sent to the member groups in each country for photocopying and distribution amongst their members.

Annual Conferences were scheduled for the Ascension weekend every year since Ascension Thursday was a public holiday in most of the member countries. The Secretariat issued an Euronews edition in February or March of the year to prepare for the annual conference and a second edition in November to provide information about the conference held in May that year.

When François Becker took over as editor of Euronews, from 2006 at the Annual Conference at Wiesbaden until the Menorrode Anual Conference of 2010, he transferred the printed edition sent by airmail to a .pdf edition sent by email (from issue 27 to 34 (co-edited with Hugo Castelli). He also introduced from edition 29 separate language editions: English, French, German and Spanish, as decided at the Lisbon Annual Conference in 2007. After a short time the German members informed the Secretariat that a separate German edition was not necessary as they could read the English edition.


Up to the 2017 Strasbourg Conference, access to the members section was made by a single user name enmember and a single password ecp (short for European Catholic People) but at Strasbourg it was decided to protect the website by requiring the officers of each member group to register their name and individual password in the Home section of the website to access the confidential Information for Member Groups. The Web Administrator (at present, myself) then has to grant them access to the confidential section.

Very few members have registered under the new system so most of the confidential information is sent directly to the Googlegroups of EN-RE Members, the Coordination Group or the Secretariat, administered by our General Coordinator, Raquel Mallavibarrena. However, confidential information of the Business Sessions of each Conference can continue to be filed in the Members Section of the New Website.

It will take me some time to upload all the documents onto the Old Website section of our new website and some of them will be confidential. I will also classify them by language, if possible. However, I attach François Index of the Euronews and Bulletin issues indicating their open or confidential nature.

Hugo Castelli Eyre, Web Administrator, 29th August 2018