This year we have seen a new book on the old subject of Post Theism published first in Italy by Gabrieli Editori: Oltre Dio in ascolto del Mistero senza nome coordinated by José María Vigil and Claudia Fanti and with articles by Gilberto Squizzerato, José Arregi, Carmen Magallón, Mary Judith Ress, José María Vigil and Santiago Villamayor.

Then came the Spanish version Después de Dios, otro modelo es posible, coordinated by José María Vigil and Santiago Villamayor, with the same articles except that instead of Gilberto Squizzerato there is an article by Jacques Musset.

More recently, there has been the French version Après Dieu un autre modèle est possible

coordinated by Santiago Villamayor and José María Vigil with articles by the same persons as Después de Dios and with additional articles by Jean-Marie Kohler and Cecilia Dockendorff and a second article by José María Vigil.

EN-RE has not accepted Post Theism but we think that the arguments put forward by several theologians merit discussion and so we have provided links to both the Spanish and French books mentioned above. These and a number of other related documents in several languages are available at no charge for downloading from the website of Servicios Koinionia2 of José María Vigil.

François Becker comments : Personally, I find the word "post-theism" open to misinterpretation. No doubt another word would be welcome. Post-theism can indeed make one think of an expression of faith without God, which is not the case. It is a search for an expression of faith, without assuming the existence of a male God resembling men and who would live somewhere in the universe, a heteronomous vision of faith that no longer makes sense today. Research is currently being carried out to express the message of the Gospel and the Bible from an autonomous vision of God and Jesus, compatible with what the sciences have taught us.... 

Cf. the book by Roger Lenaers, a Belgian Jesuit theologian, entitled: Another Christianity is Possible

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