Waiting has been the main characteristic of man since he first appeared in the time-subjected world.

The Christian man knows that the one in whom love is born is filled from within, radiating from without. Just as when we see Jesus we see the Father. Can this unity be achieved in the maze of earthly life? Is there something waiting for us here to guide us? Is this what our distant ancestors believed when they prayed for God to reveal himself to them? The very act of waiting prepares the heart to receive the divine, as does fasting and prayer. The human condition is waiting. We are always waiting for something as long as we live.

Do we wait for almost everything, or is someone waiting for us somewhere?

We attach this message of our sister organization We are Church International

Dear Sisters and Brothers of We Are Church International,

The International Circle of RCWP Bishops met by Skype on August 24, 218, and have ratified a statement drafted at that meeting re: the appalling findings of the Pennsylvania, USA  Grand Juries that over 1,000 children had been abused by more than 300 priests in 6 dioceses. Moreover, this statement speaks to the worldwide crisis of failure of accountability within the RC hierarchy concerning sex abuse. This document  is now being published widely throughout the world.  It is in pdf format. We ask that you please consider distributing this document as widely as you can among your membership and your worship and social action communities. Many thanks!

 Blessings to all,

 Andrea Johnson 

On behalf of the  International Bishops' Circle of Roman Catholic Womenpriests

 Roman Catholic Women Bishops respond to the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Findings