Click on 41st Theology Congress to see, via Youtube, how the speakers read their papers in Spanish and you can then download their texts in Spanish.

Every year since 1981 a Theology Congress has been held in Madrid to mark the beginning of the academic year, in the first days of September.

Traditionally, it has been held in the auditorium of the Comisiones Obreras trade union due to

the decision of the Spanish Episcopal Conference not to allow the Congress to be held in any building belonging to the archbishopric or to a Catholic religious order.

Since the beginning of the Covid 19 Pandemic, the Congress has been held by zoom.  Specifically, the 2022 Congress is dedicated to the Pandemic.

It is my intention to translate the introduction, the presentation, some of the papers and the message of the Congress into English, French and German:

1. Introduction to 41st Congress by Juan José Tamayo

2. Presentation of 41st Congress by Victor Codina

3. Mayte Muñoz: The virus that paralysed our lives - pending

4. Victoria Camps: The emerging value of care - pending

5. Jesús Pelaez - Jesus of Nazareth - Resistance to power - pending

6. Leonardo Boff - Towards a Samaritan and Caring Life for Nature

7. Message of the 41st Congress of Theology - pending