European Network- Chur​ch​ on the Move

Musée de la mémoire et des droits humains à Santiago de Chili

Mme. Maria Luisa Sepulveda Edwards, présidente du Museo de la Memoria y de los Derechos Humanos (Musée de la mémoire et des Droits humains) à Santiago de Chile, a fait une présentation de ce .ppt (en espagnol) dans notre communauté de base Santo Tomás de Aquino à Madrid le 10 octobre 2018.

Maria Luisa a amélioré mon brouillon comme suit: Le musée explique à la citoyenneté les violations de droits humains qui ont succédées pendant la dictature (1973-1990) qui a commencé avec le coup d’état de Pinochet contre Allende. Ce musée est une exemple de ce que nous devons construire en Espagne pour expliquer la mémoire historique du régime de Franco.

Le musée est aussi une invitation à la citoyenneté mondiale contre ceux qui nous appellent pour favoriser une fausse réconciliation:

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Museum of Memory & Human Rights of Santiago de Chile

Sra. Maria Luisa Sepulveda Edwards, President of the Museo de la Memoria y de los Derechos Humanos (Museum of Memory and Human Rights) of Santiago de Chile, presented this power point (in Spanish) in grassroots community of Santo Tomás de Aquino on 10th October 2018.

The museum explains to Chilean citizens the violations of Human Rights that occurred during the dictatorship (1973-1990) which started with the coup d’etat of Pinochet against Allende. The museum is an example of what we must build in Spain to explain the historical memory of the Franco regime.

The museum is also an invitation to the citizens of the world against those who call us to forget in favour of a false reconciliation:

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AEC Report on the phenomenon of Poverty in Europe & in France

Jean-Pierre ESTIVAL, non-executive CEO of the INGO AEC (European Association of Railwaymen) sent the original of this interesting report in French to the transversal working group on Poverty on 30th October 2018. See our website for original French version.  A Spanish translation is underway.

Kindly click on Report on the Phenomenon of Poverty

Rapport sur le phenomène de la pauvreté en Europe et en France

Jean-Pierre ESTIVAL, CEO non-executif de l'OING AEC (Association Européenne des Cheminots) a envoyé cet intéressant article au groupe de travail transversal de la Pauvreté le 30 octobre de 2018

Veuillez cliquez sur Rapport sur le phenomène de la pauvreté en Europe et en France

Traduction en anglais sur le site, traduction en espagnol en cours.

Ordre du jour et CR du Side event du GT Perspectives de genre...

Veuillez cliquer sur Ordre du jour (seulement disponible en anglais) pour le programme du Side event du 27 juin 2018, organisé par le groupe de travail Perspective de genre dans les processus politique et démocratique.

Alors cliquez sur Compte rendu pour les notes pris par M. James Barnett, membre du groupe de travail.

Agenda & Minutes of Gender Perspectives WG Side Event

Please click on Agenda for the programme of the Side Event of 27th June 2018 organised by the working group Gender Perspectives in Political & Democratic Processes

Now click on Minutes for the notes prepared by James Barnett of the working group.

Note that parts of UN Security Council resolution 1325 are available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian & Spanish



Museo de la Memoria y de los Derechos Humanos de Chile

La Sra Maria Luisa Sepúlveda, presidenta del Museo de la Memoria y de los Derechos Humanos de Santiago de Chile, nos presentó este power point en nuestra comunidad Santo Tomás de Aquino de Madrid el pasado 10 de octubre.

El museo explica a la ciudadanía chilena  las violaciones a los derechos humanos ocurridas durante la dictadura (1973-1990) que se inicia con el golpe de estado de Pinochet contra Allende. Es un ejemplo de lo que deberíamos construir en España para explicar la memoria histórica del régimen de Franco.

El museo es también una invitación  a la ciudadanía del mundo contra los que llaman a olvidar en pro de una falsa reconciliación:

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Invitation to European grassroots christian communities (change of location to Madrid)

EN-RE is sending out invitations to its next Annual Conference in Madrid in May 2019 to grassroots christian communities which share its policies on Freedom of Conscience and Human Rights:

You are kindly invited to participate to the 2019 Annual Conference of the European Network Church on the Move (EN-RE) which will take place in Madrid, from the 16th to the 19th of May 2019 with the particular aim to meet Christian Associations and grassroots communities from other parts of Europe to share our experience and learn from each other how we interpret the gospels and act in the world accordingly.

EN-RE is an international NGO, registered under French law, composed on a voluntary basis, of Catholic movements in Western Europe who call themselves Grassroots Christians because we think that the Catholic Church has become a structural organization that has lost contact with the ideas of Jesus of Nazareth in the gospels. Many of our movements put into practice the decisions of the Vatican Council II, already in the 1960s, and we have not paid attention to the conservative backward-looking decisions of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI. We definitely support Pope Francis’s social policies and pastoral approach but criticise him for having not yet taken steps to improve gender issues. At the same time, we appreciate his difficulties due to the mass appointment of very conservative bishops by the previous popes.

We believe in building here and now what Jesus called God’s Kingdom as promoted by Liberation Theology

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EN-RE's support for a Council of Women and Men

Further to the articles on our website in different languages about the Conference of French-speaking Baptised Persons (CCBF) requesting Pope Francis to approve a Council of God's People with an equal number of women and men participants, you can now sign the Petition directly on our website via the link for English (EN), Spanish (ES), Portuguese (PT), Italian (IT) and French (FR) once you have made the connection.

Aunque la petición originó en la Conferencia de bautizadxs francófonxs se busca obtener 10.000 apoyos para presentar la petición al papa.  Se ha conseguido solamente el 21% al 18 de noviembre de 2018 con la firma de casi 1.800 franceses pero solo 2 de España, 2 de Irlanda, 2 del Reino Unido, 1 de Austria.  Yo lo he firmado pero ¿por qué no tu? Todos beneficiaríamos con un concilio con igual número de mujeres que hombres.  Parece una quimera, una justa de molinos al estilo de Don Quijote pero hay que conseguir llegar a las 10.000 firmas!  Vamos, manos a la obra!

Although this campaign initiated in the French-speaking Conference of Baptised Persons, EN-RE’s member group Partenia 2000 and Jean Garnier, personally, are committed to the success of this petition but although nearly 1,800 French people have signed other nationalities are not pulling their weight in Spain (2 signatories), Ireland 2, UK 2, Austria 1. I have signed but why haven’t you? We would all benefit with a council with an equal number of women participants as men. It sounds like a pipe dream but we have to achieve these 10,000 signatures! Come on, let’s get cracking!


Nuestros valores están en peligro: Reclamemos una Europa acogedora

Reclamemos una Europa acogedora es una Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea oficialmente registrada en la Unión Europea que afirma que “dado que nuestros gobiernos tienen dificultades para gestionar la inmigración, nosotros, ciudadanos europeos, estudiantes, voluntarios, familias, sindicatos y comunidades de fe de todos los ámbitos, nos hemos movilizado para dar nuestro apoyo.

Pero nuestro derecho a ayudar está siendo criminalizado

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